Thursday, September 25, 2008

17 September 2008 Class Notes

  • Added a few more books to the working bibliography list.
  • Talked a little bit about Jim Henson's "The Storyteller." I have never even heard of this movie so it will be interesting to see a part of it.

  • Google Iron John (A Book) and the word hysterical.
  • Rapunzel vs. Jane alike the two stories seem.
  • Take a look at William Blake's "Auguries of Innocence" - "To see a world in a grain of sand..." Go to this website to see it if you want...
  • Check out the Mississippi Review for and article written by Sexson entitled "Man Reading" Here's the website for it.
  • Mentioning of Dante and the "Divine Comedy"
  • Talked about Thompson and his four levels. The first being literal, the second structural, the third anthropological, and last is cosmological.
  • In the end of Disney's Aladdin, when the genie is taking off, he say's that he is mythology...hmm. To see this (last 5 minutes of the film) go to this website at You Tube
  • Craving for something that isn't in you realm/reach/society...
  • White Goddess (google this) by Robert Graves. There are three parts to a goddess: maiden, mother, and crone/old lady.
  • Asexual vs. Sexual...Something that has no need for men or introducing an element of uncertainty/ unstability...

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