Monday, December 8, 2008

Fairy Tales in the Real World

One thing that I have really learned from this class is how fairy tales are everywhere, even in the police reports of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. I never really thought of fairy tales having a place outside of children's literature when in reality, children's literature is everywhere. You can't miss it. You can find a fairy tale anywhere, and most of the time you don't have to look very hard, you simply just have to look. I think most of the time it seems that fairy tales remain simply that is because of the misplaced concreteness that lies in most stories (ex. could a man really climb up a woman's braided hair?). That is why I like fairy tales, because anything can happen, which is why it is so interesting to be able to adapt fairy tales to real life as easily as they can be. So many impossible things happen in fairy tales, how is it even possible to find them in real life? Children's literature has realy opened my eyes to taking a deeper look at literature (something as a history major, i get to look at a lot).

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