Out of all the fairy tales that we have read in class so far, my favorite is "East of the Sun and West of the Moon." Lately it seems, this fairy tale has been coming up a lot in the past few days. First with watching "Hans My Hedgehog." On Saturday night, a couple of my friends and I decided to rent a few movies and have a movie night. As we were wondering in and out of the aisles at the local Hastings store, we wander past the children's section. One of my friends finds a movie called "The Polar Bear King." She mentions that she used to watch it as a kid and how great of a movie it was. When I first saw the title, instantly my thoughts went to "East of the Sun and West of the Moon." So being the adventurous bunch that we were, we rented it. I'm pretty sure my reaction to the movie was lots of laughing, mainly because you can easily see how long ago that movie was made. And I'm not sure my friend thought it was as good as she remembers it being, grant it that was probably fifteen years ago. One of the things I remember best was at the very beginning before it started, across the bottom of the screen appeared the words "Based on a Norwegian folk tale..." Another thing that is funny, especially since it is a fairy tale no less, is that at this website
http://www.moviemistakes.com/film3378, is a list of movie mistakes about the movie. That seems like a lot of trouble to go and pick out mistakes about a fairy tale, something that is not real in the first place. I believe one of the factual errors listed was "People can't outrun polar bears." People don't have magical scissors that can create clothes from non existence either. Duh, that is why it is a fairy tale. Anything is possible.
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