Thursday, November 6, 2008

5 November 2008 Class Notes

  • Discussed the last few pages of Alice In Sunderland in regards to the election.
  • "It is a tale, told by an idiot..." Shakespeare's "MacBeth"
  • Select favorite chapter from Alice books and blog about it...
  • Read Ronnie's dream
  • Myth is a depersonalized dream
  • Rebecca read about her dream
  • pg 290 --> all ends in death
  • "We are such stuff as dreams are made on..." Shakespeare's "The Tempest"
  • "The Big Sleep" is death.
  • The worms win in the end...
  • "The worms crawl in and the worms crawl out, the worms play peanuckle on my snout."
  • Read from Through The Looking Glass, "Wool & Water"
  •, do it, die
  • Rent a movie called "Duck Soup"
  • Marx brothers, anarchist comedians where nothing is sacred to them
  • Friday --> What is your favorite Alice chapter
  • Monday --> Have questions for test

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