Thursday, November 6, 2008

27 October 2008 Class Notes

  • Raquel played Bach's Cello Suite #1 at the beginning of class, or I should say Michael made her play and that is what she chose. It was absolutely beautiful. She did a wonderful job. What a way to start the class.
  • Sublime - literary critic term
  • "all the arts aspire to the condition of music"
  • Two different poems that begin Alice (one of those was didactic)
  • Alice was a real little girl, according to Alice In Sunderland
  • The Matrix is based on Alice In Wonderland.
  • Alice is one fo the most looked at books, 2nd most quoted coming in behind Shakespeare
  • Go look at Kayla's blog for info on Alice
  • The film (My Book & Heart)...the little books have good intentions. "None of it is real" --> grandmother's house of books
  • Art is deceiving
  • Human nature is misplaced concreteness. What is a child, book, nature? There is no answer, you can't define these things.
  • Literature liberates us into play
  • Aesop's Fables --> Allegorical
  • William Bennet wrote a book on morals, judgemental on people who don't spend time wisely --> Tatar criticizes him for this
  • Mary & Martha from the bible ---> like the ant & the grasshopper from Aesop's fables
  • What is needful?
  • Reading things that people have been reading for centuries and still enjoying them today.
  • Being literate allows you to go into the story, the portal into the other world
  • Discussed differences between metaphors and similes
  • Symbols --> communion, cannibalism, like the story of the Juniper Tree
  • Children's Literature still being didactic today
  • Subversity
  • Don't trust anybody to tell you what something means...
  • The film (My Book & Heart) wasn't exactly meant to be teached or didactic.
  • Read Sutter's response to My Book & Heart...
  • Oscar Wilde --> great children's literature art, life is an imitation of art, the thought of "you wouldn't be sad if Shakespeare hadn't wrote it"
  • "Only the educated are free..."

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