Wednesday, December 3, 2008

10 November 2008 Class Notes


Subject Matter:
Tatar endings
Talbot pages
Humpty Dumpty
Question of Morals
Linda's Lecture
Wool & Water
Tweedledee & Tweedledum
My Book & Heart...

Q: Who was the illustrator of Alice?
A: Tenniel

Q:Last word in Beauty & the Beast?
A: Virtue

Q: Who wins after death?
A: Worms

Q: Just because the worms win, how do we triumph over them with agency?
A: Groucho Marks, ART wins

Q: According to Oscar Wilde, life imitates?
A: Art

Q:Five themes of class?
A: Myth, History, Art, Dream, & Coincidence

Q: Who does the white knight represent?
A: Lewis Carroll

Q: Examples of moral and parody?
A: Moral -> How doth the little busy bee Parody -> How doth the little crocodile

Q: What food does the mock turtle sing to Alice about?
A: Soup

Q: In Alice, what is the hatter's answer to the riddle?
A: I haven't the slightest idea.

Q: Besides Shakespeard, who is the most quoted author?
A: Lewis Carroll

Q: _____ is a depersonalized ______ and _______ is a personalized _______.
A: Myth, Dream, Dream, Myth

Q: Stephanie thinks who is the rudest flower?
A: The Violet

Q: According to Shakespeare, how many stages of man are there?
A: Seven

Q: Word animated contains which word that means soul?
A: Anime

Q: Who is the volcano?
A: Alice

Q: Where does Alice live in all of us?
A: Collective Unconscious

Q: The first time Alice shrinks, how tall is she>
A: 10 Inches

Q: What is the title of the deleted chapter in Alice/Looking Glass?
A: Wasp & the Wig

Q: How does Alice offend the mouse?
A: Talks about her cat

Q: During the Protestant Reformation, what was a goal?
A: Teach moral values

Q: First Bible in America was published in what language?
A: Algonquin

Q: What two animals spark curiosity about evolution?
A: Mammoth & the Monkey

Q: What invention had enormous influence on Protestant Reformation?
A: Guttenberg press/printing press

Q: Why is the mad hatter mad?
A: Had mercury in their had bands, misplaced concreteness

Q: What does the white rabbit drop when he scares Alice?
A: White gloves & Fan

Q: What do Beauty's tears turn into in Jean Cocteau's verson?
A: Diamonds

Q: When reading a story, trust the _____ and not the ______?
A: tale, teller

Q: Lewis Carroll's nickname inspired character?
A: DoDo

Q: What is interesting because it's interesting?
A: Tatology

Q: Goody Two Shoes is an emblem of ______ which most adults lack?
A: Perfection

Q: According to Tweedles, if I am part of a dream then what are you?
A: Dido Dido Dido

Q: What image in Alice & Wonderland appears in Rebecca's dream?
A: Flying pigs

Q: A big theme of this class is to look into the _____ side of things.
A: Dark

Q: Who was the most prolific serial killer in 19th Century England?
A: Mary Ann Cotton

Q: Who were the primary ghosts in Talbots book?
A: Sid James & the White Lady?

Q: Jaborwocky originates from this Sunderland myth.
A: Lamton Worm

Q: What is the last line of Alice?
A: Life, what is it but a dream

Q: first letter of each line of the poem at the end of Alice creates a?
A: Acrostic

Q: Walter Pater said that all art aspires to the condition of _____?
A: Music

Q: According to the script of My Book & Heart, the text informs?
A: Reality

Q: What is Tweedledee fond of saying?
A: Contrariwise

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